Stellaris do hive minds need amenities. Hiveminds Synapse drones produce their. Stellaris do hive minds need amenities

 Hiveminds Synapse drones produce theirStellaris do hive minds need amenities 5% overall increase in growth

A big nerf on Maintenance jobs. 6 Orion is out. Really really bad. It doesn't make any sense for them to have ethic attraction because. Machine empires already have +50 Energy output day 1. Hive minds can't use the renowned paragons, but most of them are mediocre in most circumstances. Then hive minds also don't have to deal with happiness and as a result are far less concerned about low habitability. Anyway, it didn't take long before I realized that it's an awful trait for hive minds in 2. They also don't use the happiness mechanic (except Rogue Servitors. As a hive mind, you're naturally taking biological ascension, and nerve-stapled livestock stop impacting happiness. for the Win in a Galaxy not so far away (it will be HUGE). Charismatic is a strong trait if you still have problem with amenities (which I usually do). That might sound like a huge effect, but while I don't remember all the details of when I tried playing a Hive Mind last November, I'm playing Rogue Servitors right now, and even fairly developped planets. Stellaris' hive-mind are of the second variety. I'm in a situation where I had conquered a 28-pop primitive world within the first 10 years in the game. I think both Hive Minds and MEs can gain a little there, but in different places. #8. Thanks! Absolutely! Pop growth advantage is one of the key niches of hive minds. There is one exception to this and that is displacement. Tend to be independent of resources generation rng. Amenities, in general, are infrastructure and items needed for life to proceed smoothly. Anyways, it's better to take a machine empire if you want to go tech-gestalt because they have Introspective and that's an OP civic. The problem is hive minds only produce amenities from maintenance drones, it's only 4 per maintenance drone, and every drone needs at least 1 amenity. Subspace Ephasis is awesome. Yes ideally you keep the amenities (or its equivalent) at +0/+1, as any higher will not give your hivemind pops any happiness. In terms of civics, I have two ideas: The first corresponds pretty directly to rogue servitors: it would allow hive minds to keep pops as something like "wildlife" in "nature preserves", producing unity. Eternal vigilance. Adaptability is useful as 10% more is a +5% growth +5% job production. gestalts do not have factions, and thus, produce less unity. 3 years for a clinic to break even and 111. Start a hive mind game with tree of life (likely best origin for hive) and not only do you start with 33 population, you also get up to 8. Strength of Legions is D-tier and next to useless. ago. As any machine empire, taking over other machine pops should directly integrate them into. Nihilistic Acquisition fundamentally changes the way you can wage war and is incredibly valuable. You only need 1 amenities build 1 habitat district and 1 mineral synergy building to complete the hab. 5% from jobs and natural growth for every point of habitability below 100, but also +1% requirement cost for food and amenity upkeep. )Stellaris 3. That is weak for a Hive Mind already, a default empire would top those numbers. e. After i get genetic mastery and conquered a bigger civ with 160 pop gene modified them to nerve stampled, agrarian, delicius and nomadic. Hiveminds are really inefficient in producing amenities. Hive minds are allready brokely overpowered in fiction: Instant unblockable communication. Starting traits: Positive: Rapid-Breeders (+2), Very Strong (+3) Negative: Non-adaptive (-2), Fleeting (-1) Civics: Devouring Swarm, Divided Attention. Build enough to keep food positive, and should you need more, because of growth, then you build more, and not before. Well, in one sci-fi novel (The Golden Oecumene Trilogy) one of the earliest methods of immortality that was developed was people having their minds assimilated into a sort of hive mind. Pikmin_Hut_Employee • 2 yr. True but there shouldn't be difference for the sake of difference, as we've discussed having sectors can absolutely make sense for Stellaris hive minds. Keep your amenities positive and disable as many maintenance drones as you can. Another one I had a lot of fun with was lithoid calamitous birth hive mind terrovoure. Generally, if you can have a large number of planets, there is little reason not to do so, since they will all develop more or less at the same pace. The reason I specifically mention it for Hive Minds is that the normal strategy is to fill up your capital with Researchers first to benefit from the +10% job output Capital designation. Hive mind are really strong for population growth, and unruly takes that and makes your empire sprawl expand by 10% for your population. Nexus Districts are the Machine Empire equivalent of City Districts. Amenities represent the services other than housing that need to be available on a planet for pops to be happy. Being one of the few ethical ways a hive mind could use non-hive pops, it was fun to use as part of the roleplay for a more benevolent Hive Mind. Also the +5% pop growth is modest, but helpful none the less. The goal would be spread to as many planets asap, then after growing pops for a while, swap out. Hiveminds are so bad at producing amenities that you NEED to offload everything you can to habitats, because your planets of decent size are mostly filled with amenity and deviancy buildings. Here's a trick: When you take over a new planet with a new species the hive mind assimilation begins but when 1 pop is converted you can go to the species page and apply the hive mind template to all the others, greatly speeding up the assimilation time at the cost of your society research. If you want to assimilate enemy pops, you have to take the generic modification ascendancy. is this intentional or is my save bugged? playing with achiev-friendly UI color changing mods only. So what I'm proposing is to have an origin specific for hive minds that changes them from a "natural" hive mind into a psionic hive mind with access to the psionic ascension path instead of the biological one. They are. Allowing you spec more heavily into other buildings and districts. Nuts and bolts for repairs. The situation has a good story and is fun to have the chance to decide if the primitive empire will become a hive mind or not. Below are some basic analysis of the changed dynamics, and a few key tricks to consider. The are a single mind gestalt consciousness. Eat your smaller neighbours whenever you can do so without making yourself vulnerable. ScreamCon Apr 7 @ 12:35pm. ago. 1 maintenance drone produces 4 amenities and uses 1 itself, so 1/4 of your total pop is just doing bullshit jobs. Hive minds have always felt boxed into a minor villain role, while simultaneously removing several mechanics that make empires interesting without replacing them with an equivolent. Hey guys ive read some stuff on hiveminds from people on this subreddit saying they arent op. I don't think a Hive World suits a non-arthropoid hive mind either. After some time i realized that 80% of the galaxy was settled by self-enlightened hive minds. Reply. 0 with +/- stat modifier government types, the most "wild" of them just being having an extra big flagship, and now we have civics as crazy as this. 75 empire size. Each Researcher generates 4 research in each category per month by default. Synapse. Leaders are one of the best parts of playing as a hive mind. They also live longer than the average organic. This will make amenities production more efficient in early game - Build Autochton monuments. Fungalloid hive minds get amenities from their unity buildings. Parallel growth is almost always worth it unless your species is over-saturated already. Hive minds can't use the renowned paragons, but most of them are mediocre in most circumstances. 1. Otherwise, a popular format of rapid breeders/budding and intelligent+fleeting and deviants will do the job. The idea this DD presents is that drones, while they do need to be part of the hive mind to survive and function, do not need very much direct control. I recommend checking out his suggestion. It gives you 20% more amenities production. The usual away around low-habitability. So 18ish miner jobs at about 6 each. The Parasitic ones use pops from other empires to grow more native pops. 1- Synths are completely different to machine civs acting completely autonomously and being sapient. 3 or something. You're still a Hive Mind -your pops don't use consumer goods and don't feel happiness- but you can have non-hive-minded pops and appear as a non-hive-mind for other empires (at least for a while). It will create some Maintenance Drone jobs & they will produce amenities. Consider going Biological Ascension and taking either Fertile or the new Vat-Grown (I don't think you can take both). 2. I'm sure it's much better for an organic hive mind. Thanks goodness, hivemind habitats are a lot better than those of regular empires. If charismatic trait and maintenance drones are the only answeres, then, yes, it seems that Gestalt Hive do need more pop dedicated to amenities than other designs. Maybe machine intelligence is handled closer to bio empires than hive minds. Due to this I find it rather restrictive that we can't make a proper psionic hive species, but rather we're forced down the biological ascension path. It is available only if have the Utopia DLC for the biological empire or "Synthetic Dawn" if you want a machine one: Then on the right, under "Authority" you can select are you a machine or biological hive mind. They act like Xenomorphs. I have met several machine consciousness-es and hive minds that just wanted to get along decently. Hive minds struggle with habitability, and this civic is a great way to shore up that weakness. That's not to say Hive Worlds are bad, it's still a top-tier perk and well-suited to the needs of a Hive Mind empire, but it is pretty expensive and takes. (Unless they've reworded it in 3. LigerZeroPanzer12 • 2 yr. Hive Minds get a +10% already, and with the 10% from adaptability you already get 40% on everything except tomb world, meaning you can expand almost everywhere right away. Hive minds are weaker than default or machine empires. The hive structures they need to function could easily be simulated or stubbed, giving them dependence on a sub-system I control, or quasi-independence. It takes several times the number of jobs to produce the same number of amenities. And last but not least: Hiveminds have terrible civics. #3. . One point more Amenities can push your stability easily as Gestalt for like +30 amenities is +10 stability, but just try to get that number. Hive minds for me a pure biomass. Aquatic is bad for Hive Minds on live version. That's not to say Hive Worlds are bad, it's still a top-tier perk and well-suited to the needs of a Hive Mind empire, but it is pretty expensive and takes. They are not the all-or-nothing type from before, but they still leave a surplus of those. Even at the start when more % matters Hive minds can start with +83% compared to +93% with fast breeders you bring your growth from 5. Expensive outposts and colony ships. Consider going Biological Ascension and taking either Fertile or the new Vat-Grown (I don't think you can take both). Devouring Swarm is good, but thats it. Machine empires already have +50 Energy output day 1. Methone made a suggestion thread about adding more civics to the Hive Minds. Imperial Prerogative, Technological Ascendancy, Mastery of Nature, Voidborne, and Defender of the Galaxy all stand out as options. They are not the all-or-nothing type from before, but they still leave a surplus of those. Now that would be 667 consumer goods for one additional pop. "Hive Minds generally cannot support non-Hive individuals within their empire except as Livestock, and Necrophage Hive Minds are no different there. It would actually be. 8 per Job, or from 6 to 7. Azi_Dahaka12th Dec 7, 2018 @. I do have a cousin who enjoys hive mind (i guess he doesnt mind how inferior those bios are to machines) and he seems to do fine with em. They're able to explode into the galaxy very quickly and establish a. This will keep your planet happy for the most part after words build up to 3 to 5 coty districts for more amenities. But I do think both are already lined up for future updates. But slavery changes this a lot. Then I consume every world I see. This does, in fact, make them plural, rather than singular. I don't recall how many hive districts it took, definitely less than 5, maybe 0, I'm sure someone could do the math on the minimum. Seems weird for a design supposed to be not afflicted by happiness but in need of amenities nevertheless due to maintaining (somehow) stability. Methone. Best. All robots have been networked into a hive mind of sorts and work together for the betterment of. 1; 1; Reactions: Reply. Because Evolutionary Mastery is the only ascension for organic hive minds, I'll tack on Natural Sociologists to help me research those techs faster. 8 base growth plus 2 assembly growth. The problem is hive minds only produce amenities from maintenance drones, it's only 4 per maintenance drone, and every drone needs at least 1 amenity. TL;DR: Necrophage Hive Mind should defensive crouch the first 30-40 years to build a dominant starbase economy before taking the offense powered by catalytic converter. Prosperity for Tradition. But it took stuffing every slot with maintenance and enforcement buildings. You will basically never run out of maintenance drone job positions. They turn into cyborgs. The balance against hiveminds is four fold: habitability, amenities, conquest utilization, and unity. Hive Minds and Machine Empires struggle with Amenities due to a deliberate design decision. I believe the basic pop AI will try to balance amenities automatically. , the government and its mechanics will encourage play similar to that. Also, there is a mod that adds Hive Queens, and Parasitic Embryos Hive Mind Civics. I understand why the entire galaxy hates a hive mind, and I think it's a good way to balance out some of the more awesome aspects of the. A big nerf on Drone edict: 25% pop growth -> 10% pop growth. Primacy includes a couple very small tweaks. amenities, for hive mind, and I choose a perk where I don't really kind of needed that, or my species won't need that but as I read the other reply I need to build some sort of hive maintenance building, but yeah most of my own species are cool with it though only those conquered races are so upset about everything doing rebellion and all. 8 free (compared to 20. Even the 0% habitability planets can provide pop growth and assembly. But the higher tiers of that event chain cause a penalty to sublight ship speed. A normal empire has to unlock the other three slots and I think the sixth slot is gated behind tech IIRC. Due to the number of great edicts that exist now, Executive Vigor is a solid option. Stellaris Suggestions: Hive Mind Civic Ideas. Delay/dedicate less buildings towards amenity production. Next! 3. As a hive mind, you're naturally taking biological ascension, and nerve-stapled livestock stop impacting happiness. You will not be able to squeeze out an economy/research operation as strong as a regular empire can. It could also have other flavor differences, like some buildings having different names and some aspects simply. 3/100 or . Mar 28, 2022. The other advantages are the 3 basic workers per basic resource district, and access to gestalt jobs which, aren't bad, as they don't require consumer goods, which has. All you need to do is play defense for a few decades, get a few economy booster techs, get some robot assemblies to supplement your pop growth, and you'll quickly start closing that gap. Ascetic. Main question is if I am able to vassalise people as a hive mind. Hive minds struggle with habitability, and this civic is a great way to shore up that weakness. For all the hype YouTubers and Redditors put into amenities for hive minds, it's really not that big of a problem. The need to have tons of pops just. Loosely based on the Baol precursors and the relationship between certain species of ants and acacia trees. Because of this even machines empires that enjoy autonomy in individuals would still be close enough to a hive mind to be for all intents and purposes a gestalt consciousness. Habitability is an important pop growth modifier. 8 base growth plus 2 assembly growth. The only way I would do unruly, is if I keep empire sprawl (primarily pops. 17 years (assuming 12 mo / yr). While they include things like entertainment or art, they're also good roads or hospitals. Now if they intentionally banned this form of data. But the hive mind has evolved to be alone and knows very little of conflict. I'd like to ask for some advices on how to effectively manage a hivemind with rather large territories. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Due to the number of great edicts that exist now, Executive Vigor is a solid option. 0) but never really gave hive minds a proper chance because I like roleplaying with friendly empires. Hive minds are not bad. Nexus Districts are the Machine Empire equivalent of City Districts. Hive mind scientist are quite bad in comparison before you can subjugate people Their civics are mostly bad. Hive minds should (in theory) expand exceptionally well, but can have trouble with amenities on large planets. With a hive mind, there's no equivalent. [9] Or hive mind pops can produce 0. The behaviors won’t create factions or anything, I intend to keep hive minds as free and flexible as possible as this. But at…Progenitor Hive Minds are more akin to ants or bees - a family that tends to operate in a unison seemingly unachievable by normal organics, with some form of central control. You can pretty much push every resolution to max because most bonuses (such as. So give Hive Minds sectors and people who don't want them can get mods that rectify that issue, seems to be a win-win IMO. After some time i realized that 80% of the galaxy was settled by self-enlightened hive minds. . Whats the best build for this?. So in this case, where you need 20 more research per 100 size, and each researcher produces 4 research, you need 20/4 = 5 more researchers per 100 increase in empire size. As long as pop growth is king, I think that robots are a pretty key part of an "optimal" playthrough with a non-hive/spiritualist empire (hives having massive pop-growth and spiritualists experience real costs with influence). Amenities as far as stellaris is concerned are non food and water necessities like being able to shower or have a table to eat at. Ratio speaking. Just remember you do not have to complete one before opening another and in most cases it is better not to at the start. I understand why the entire galaxy hates a hive mind, and I think it's a good way to balance out some of the more awesome aspects of the. Also it's easy to miss but those nodes don't count towards the leader cap. Yeah, even when you initially colonize as a Machine Empire or Hive Mind sometimes your stability is as low as 6% IME while you're waiting on the initial maintenance drones to do their thing (in my case; because my devouring swarm is repugnant. ago. Subsumed Will is great if you're on PTR and if you're on live version you can go for Subspace Ephrase instead. ) More posts you may like r/Stellaris Join Finally, you don't need high Amenities. It makes it a lot easier to colonize worlds with low habitability. ago. Stellaris. An Illithid community is a bunch of individuals ruled by a ruler that happens to be a small hive-mind with only one body. Having just finished a run using a Progenitor Hive, I have a few thoughts. Fluffy-Tanuki • Agrarian Idyll • 10 mo. Not really, no. 2. Lets look at all of the standard civics available to hive mind and machine empires in Stellar. Hivemind is something you have to start with. Unite the hive! - Bio ascension, gene modding and gene tab - Auto-jump feature, please - Armament change - Merging federations - Assimilation and living standards - We need Archives! Flesh is weak thus mind is over matter. Natural Neural Network is a honourable mention for the research options to roll the techs you want as a hive to start snowballing, but I only pick it for. Ruler traits are not especially reliable for most conventional empires, and Hive Minds do have an authority bonus-- +25% pop growth speed and -25% empire sprawl-- it's quite a bit better than the normal authority bonuses. I go from one turn at +9 amenities to -34 the next. Many Voices. I bring Order to the Chaos. r/Stellaris. Raneknug • 1 yr. Also the Ascetic Civic we will take reduces pop amenity usage. . It creates Deviant Drone jobs that suck drones out of productive jobs, and cost a bit of Energy too. Hive minds seem to use largely organic tech, you can't research robot techs and thus can't synthetically ascend I suspect psionic development takes a level of introspection, seeking answers beyond the senses, and (for lack of a better word) 'faith' that hive minds (being so grounded in the physical and biological) just are not able to achieve. ; About Stellaris Wiki; Mobile viewI always pick up the Synchronicity tradition tree with the one that gives Synaptic Drones Amenities. One medical worker consumes 1 CG, I will neglate the upkeep costs for the building. " I don't think it's innappropriate for a single unifying force to occur in a hive mind made up from billions and billions of dronesBut this ignores that hive minds experience deviancy, hive mind planets have stability, and hive minds can even have planetary revolts which form new hive minds. Machine pros. Maybe we need both a regular Hive Mind that gets access to an additional ethic, and a Fanatical Hive Mind that's absolutely unified and has no ethics other than its own whims. Stellaris Wiki Active Wikis. Here are the best hive mind civics. These executive appendages of your Gestalt consciousness don’t need to age and acquire experience, so they start out younger. As a hive-mind I highly recommend going down the Synchronicity tradition tree and grabbing "Instinctive Synchronization" and then use synapse drones to produce amenities instead when you can, as this will boost both unity production and reduce the amount of. from trait, -10% from bio ascension, -10% from Adaptability traditions (genocidal xenophobes, isolationist xenophobes, hive minds, marauders) and another -5% from event. Bearing in mind that "Fanatic Purifiers" were originally an AI personality that emerged from a very particular set of government traits, I think it would be not unreasonable to assume that the "Hive Mind" government is intended to replace the "Hive Mind" AI personality- i. Due to not being affected by Happiness, Hive Minds have no methods of increasing Approval Rating for pops. Cybernetics has a really good trait for reducing the need for it to the point that. 25 unity, depending on which way is easier. Your other perks are a matter of preference. I apologize for the incorrect information in my previous response. Specifically, you need the 'Genetic Resequencing' tech that the 'Evolutionary Mastery' Ascension Perk unlocks, so depending on your amount of Society Research, even after getting the AP, you still might be a few years away from removing (or adding, if you are the Hive) the 'Hive Minded' trait, so keep that in mind when you try to save them. Part 1: The Dynamics, They Are a Changin'. Jump to latest Follow Reply. This is a non-issue with normal empires, as they have a lot of amenities producing jobs (further boosted with Pleasure Seekers) and happiness is nearly non-issue with Egalitarians. "I would definitely like a more individualistic hivemind as it would be great for role play. That gives 334 and 134 months per additional pop or one pop every 27. So I came up with the Behavior System, where you can choose behaviors that will help shape your hive mind, making it more unique, giving it more RP depth, and more unique gameplay. If you're finding it hard at first, take species picks that reduce amenities usage; hive minds need 1/4 drones assigned to maintenance, so knocking that down. Jump to latest Follow Reply. There is also a building similar to the luxury residence. 2 per Job with the Versatility Tradition. Allow you to stack up amenities quickly and easily. The primary reason for this request is that with Overlord having added in so much in regards to vassal relations Gestalt Empires face some roadblocks when it comes to dealing with primitive empires. Ascetic is a must pick because Amenities are a pain to deal with for HM and there are literally no other good civics. given that you can easily get to 80+ pops by 2230 as a regular empire with overtuned, i. Hive minds are only really strong at the very start of the game. (planet deviancy)% + (surplus amenities)% each (although as others have pointed out hives minds might not actually need that). 8CG per pop in production chain (didn't factor in base trade, IIRC) - you can go off that and compare to. Lithoid, hive mind (to cancel our growth malus), traits: Unruly, sedentary, pre-planned growth, crafter smiles, and charismatic. 25 unity/pop, which will help a lot for hives. What's the most efficient way to generate amenities as a hive mind? I'm playing my first hive mind run. Its all about the pops in stellaris. This is because lithoid starting age over rides the normal hive mind starting age. However, unlike other Hive Minds, Necro-Hives will allow their Livestock to procreate. One world for a ship building facility. you would need to constantly. YeetingtonThe3rd • 2 yr. There are different species perks to create extra energy credits as plantoids so you can. Even at the start when more % matters Hive minds can start with +83% compared to +93% with fast breeders you bring your growth from 5. My capital keeps going into unrest because my robots lack amenities. The usual away around low-habitability. 12 Amenities will come from the Capital, leaving 88 to be generated from jobs. 0 unless otherwise noted. They cannot migrate, don't have trade, don't have ethics for reliable diplomacy. Finally Mercantile is necessary if you want to do a trade-focus approach since Merchants are the only good trade job and you need the Mercantile tradition to get them. 75 housing while livestock/domestics take up 0. 6 ! Capured from the Orion beta stream. Not only that, it reduces your drones’ need for amenities. Hive Districts have the unique feature that they provide 12 housing and 6 maintenance drone jobs if built on a Hive World, meaning Hive Worlds need fewer Hive Districts. Machine Empires do not have to worry about producing food or consumer goods, they do not have to keep their pops happy, they get +1 pop when colonizing from the get go, they do not have to deal with factions, they have an easy time with ameneties, their leaders are immortal due to being machines, they can colonize all worlds right away due to the +200% habitability they get and they get. One vision is really good to start with for similar reasons, so good choice there. The game hive minds use an advanced form of. But the hive mind has evolved to be alone and knows very little of conflict. So an idea I've seen floating around here is as follows: "All Hive Minds feel the same. they use synapse drone jobs to increase admin capacity (and also amenities and unity). Hiveminds Synapse drones produce their. Just completed a play through as a hive mind, it felt pretty bad having to give up multiple building slots to keep your amenities above 0. This seems to be the key to actually being able to play the game for Hive Minds. Giving housing, and some amenities. None. So an idea I've seen floating around here is as follows: "All Hive Minds feel the same. And at 300 size, you need 240 research per month to research that tech in 10 months. This goes double for Hive minds and Machine Empires. especially before you got traditions to reduce pop usage. This is a common complaint, and easily answered. You generally build hive districts if you need more housing, and sometimes if you are low on amenities. ago. 49 to 5. Ascetics is also a very good Empire civic you want to use next time if not going random as that reduces the amenities needed by 15%. Subspace Ephasis is awesome. Robots, too. 83 and 11. If you can't obtain sufficient planets, get the tech and build habs once you no longer have systems to expand to. If I'm going to have a pop work a job, isn't it better to just have 2 pops work the unity job than 1 pop work the clerk job?The need for mineral increases even further if using a lithoid hive. 1 maintenance drone produces 4 amenities and uses 1 itself, so 1/4 of your total pop is just doing bullshit jobs. There is no tall game-play in Stellaris, in the sense of having a very few or small number of super planets vs. their planet capital buildings has some slots for that job type and also one of the other special hivemind buildings adds such jobs (synaptic node or so?) #1. Second, hive minds are always limited in their workforce efficiency by the need for amenities. Hive-minds have a bonus to pop growth. Each unemployed pop has a base 5% chance each month to automatically move to a different planet that has available jobs and housing for the pop to take. Jewbacca1991 • 3 yr. I recommend checking out his suggestion. How would a hive mind pre-ftl species co-exist with an empire? It's an interesting ethical point of 'do you let the ascend and become a vassal' or 'do you invade them and expunge them'. Start with technological accention, bio is the next two. Doing my first run as Rogue Servitors. TL;DR: Subterranean is an origin that works best for organic Hive Minds, NOT normal empires or even Lithoids. Transit hubs double that to a total of 10% chance each month. Also, Charismatic or Emotion Emulators only boosts Amenities from 4 to 4. It is just that stellaris is still a game and need to have a pretence of balance. The Politicians will provide a total of 12 Amenities, leaving 76. Discomfort does not bother hive minds that run this civic, and thus they are able to endure many hardships. It is an early-game economy advantage for hives, where the Origin and Hivemind mechanics cover each other’s weaknesses and support a strong early-to-mid-game economy to achieve a position of dominance. Pops can go over 500 and will not stop growing (or decline) until the required housing exceeds available housing by 15% (or 25%). At least until you need the planets for actual resources. Ascetic is fine, but keeping up with amenities is usually not a problem. . hive minds don't have bureacrats or admin buildings. Objulen. Given that Stellaris is a snowballing game. Another resource you won't need). I would assume this means they lowered the spawn chance for his system. Look at Traditions. You'll need to prioritize energy production as much as possible to support your empire's growth and. ago. It's so you have a type of empire that doesn't need to deal with the hassle of factions and consumer goods, and while they are incredibly underdeveloped (and boring if unmodded) as they were a part of the first DLC ever made, they do have one feature that even Machine Empires don't have and that is not needing to employ maintenance pops for amenities by going down the Harmony tradition. Hive minds have a lot of population growth, but don't get as much of a resource advantage as machines, or access to a lot of bonuses a non-gestalt empire gets from their ethics. The empire sprawl/admin cap changes are bigger, especially for gestalts, who also got some adjustments to how they produce amenities. The natural neural network civic gives you science from unemployed, but this unemployed do not need goods like utopia run empires. However, if the amenities deficit is small you're often better off just eating the penalty. Well, in that case, the current system makes sense. your machine pops need amenities because for them the amenities are spare parts.